Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
ID | integer |
None. |
UniqueId | globally unique identifier |
None. |
Title | string |
None. |
OrderNumber | string |
None. |
OrderPlacedOn | date |
None. |
OrderStage | OrderStageValues |
None. |
OrderType | string |
None. |
CustomerId | integer |
None. |
CustomerName | string |
None. |
CustomerEmail | string |
None. |
CustomerNotes | string |
None. |
CompanyId | integer |
None. |
CompanyName | string |
None. |
BillingAddressId | string |
None. |
BillingAddress | string |
None. |
ShippingAddressId | string |
None. |
ShippingAddress | string |
None. |
ShippingMethodId | integer |
None. |
ShippingMethod | string |
None. |
DateNeeded | date |
None. |
TypeOfPurchase | string |
None. |
AccountingUnit | string |
None. |
PaymentModeUsed | PaymentMode |
None. |
PaymentTrackingId | string |
None. |
AuthorizationCode | string |
None. |
PaymentStatus | string |
None. |
TransactionError | string |
None. |
MailTrackingId | string |
None. |
OrderStatus | string |
None. |
UserIPAddress | string |
None. |
MerchantNotes | string |
None. |
Subtotal | decimal number |
None. |
ShippingCost | decimal number |
None. |
ShippingCostByAdmin | decimal number |
None. |
Taxes | decimal number |
None. |
TaxesByAdmin | decimal number |
None. |
MaintenancePlanCost | decimal number |
None. |
InvoiceTotal | decimal number |
None. |
Discount | decimal number |
None. |
GiftCardAmount | decimal number |
None. |
OrderTotal | decimal number |
None. |
Coupon | string |
None. |
GiftCardId | integer |
None. |
GiftCardNumber | string |
None. |
DiscountAppliedAt | DiscountTypeValues |
None. |
OrderItems | Collection of IOrderItem |
None. |
Invoices | Collection of IOrderInvoiceItem |
None. |